Leisure Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommod ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
CSC des Grands Vents, 65, Ridge Road, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador A1B 4P5
APPRENDRE LE FRANÇAIS D’UNE MANIÈRE DIFFÉRENTE ! Lieu : CSC des Grands Vents, 65, Ridge Road, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador A1B 4P5
Début : samedi 18 janvier 2025
Horaires : Samedi matin de 9h à 11h45
Pour qui ? Enfants âgés de 5 à 14 ans
Coût : 100 $ par enfant (89 $ pour les membres de l’ACFSJ) pour une ...
Playgroup is for children who are ages 5 or younger, and their guardian(s). Playgroup provides an opportunity for your young children to be active and socialize, in a safe and welcoming environment.
Parents/Guardians must be present at all times
Cost: $ 2 per child
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advis ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leisure s ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if ...
Family Open Gym drop in programs offer an opportunity for individuals of all ages to take part in a wide variety of sports, low organized games and several other recreational activities. The program is supervised by onsite City of St. John's Recreation staff. Come by and enjoy an evening with family and friends!
Cost: $2 ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if ...
Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, 40 Livyers Loop, St. John's, NL
Get off the beaten path and explore the edge of believable with some of the best films from the Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival as it brings these captivating and moving stories to the big screen to The Bruneau Centre, on Saturday, January 18th & Sunday, January 19th, at 7:00pm. Stand on the highest peaks, ski ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leisure s ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leis ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leisure s ...
Au CSC des Grands Vents 65, Ridge Road, St. Jean (NL) A1B 4P5*
Soccer en Français
Le soccer est un sport d’équipe, d’estime de soi, d’esprit de groupe et de compétition. Jouer au football permet de se sentir mieux dans sa peau et dans celle des autres.
Les pratiques reprendront bientôt, rejoignez-nous pour un moment de plaisir et d’entraînement ! Jour de Pratique : Dimanche matin ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leisure s ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if ...
Appel aux bénévoles : souper communautaire Date : Dimanche 19 janvier 2025
Lieu : Centre communautaire des Grands-Vents, 65 Ridge Rd, Saint-Jean
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un souper communautaire organisé par Compas et l’Association communautaire francophone de Saint-Jean, le dimanche 19 janvier 2025. ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advis ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leisure s ...
Everyone Welcome Swim
Leisure space is available for families. Children 10 and under must always be accompanied in the water by a 16+ year-old who must remain in the water at arms-length. Maximum 3 children to 1 supervisor. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if ...
Lane Swim
Choose the appropriate lane - slow, medium or fast - based on ability. Suitable for swimmers 13 years of age and older. Accessible change rooms, water wheelchairs and accessible pool entry is available. Please advise if accommodations are required at the time of check in or call ahead.
Leisure Swim
Leisure s ...
Un Moment Convivial avec Compas et l'Association communautaire francophone de Saint-Jean ! 🌟 Rejoignez-nous pour un moment de partage et de solidarité en soutien à notre communauté !
📅 Quand : Dimanche 19 janvier 2025 à 17h
📍 Où : Centre scolaire et communautaire des Grands-Vents, 65 Chemin Ridge, Saint-Jean
Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation, 40 Livyers Loop, St. John's, NL
Get off the beaten path and explore the edge of believable with some of the best films from the Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival as it brings these captivating and moving stories to the big screen to The Bruneau Centre, on Saturday, January 18th & Sunday, January 19th, at 7:00pm. Stand on the highest peaks, ski ...